Dental Crown
For your dental crowns, there is no need to look any further than Joseph Baptiste Dental Clinic. Crowns are full coverage restorations that are used to cover a tooth that is likely to break, or is too broken down to be restored with a filling. A crown is also known as cap. They are most commonly done after root canal treatment, or when a large filling wears out. The larger the hole made by a cavity that has to be treated, the more likely a crown will be needed. Even after a filling is put in a large cavity, a tooth is more likely to break. Keep in mind that the jaw muscles are the strongest in the human body. Teeth are subjected to tremendous pressures. Crowns ride over the weakened tooth, providing strength and protecting the tooth against breakage. A broken or cracked tooth is a far more serious matter and much more difficult to treat. Crowns prevent this, as well as making for a nice smile.
We perform a variety of procedures to provide you with the help that is necessary for your satisfaction. Allow our courteous and knowledgeable staff to give you back your confident smile!
Contact us today, and you’ll be amazed at what we can accomplish for you. Take back your smile!